My Ministry

Son Valley Youth Ranch features horsemanship and day camp with the goal of bringing children and horses together to bond, heal and grow through the love of Jesus Christ. We want children, teens and adults who come here to find love and peace from a harsh world. Our priority is to help those who are at risk or less fortunate.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

June Events

JUNE 3rd & 4th We are having a huge yard sale at Mandy Humphry's 1 Marre Court Hamilton, Il. Come and support the ranch by getting something you could use, plus enjoy a glass of lemonade, yes the kids are looking forward to there little stand to work at.

JUNE 11th & 12th 9-12 girls campout. We have a great weekend planned for them. A full day of hiking, horseback riding, around the campfire worship at night and morning worship. We will post pictures for this and update on their fun.

We have new summer hours so call to schedule your time
God is so good, I'm in awe of every ones help and the new people he's putting in our life
Call 660-754-1509 or e-mail or post
Have a great summer

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